Saturday, October 31, 2015

Help Aging Parents: Halloween in New York City


Halloween decor and costumed kiddies holding their parents' hands are ever-present in NYC today. For young and old who are mobile, the side-streets of NY offer everything--except the inflatables seen on front yards in the suburbs.

The ghoulish and creepy displays on the upper eastside--just a block east of Central Park made the news. Very young, pushed in strollers by parents (and often accompanied by their dogs), and those older who could walk, stopped to view the spooky surroundings. We share some here--

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Wednesday, October 28, 2015

What 90-year-olds Want From Doctors

 "Look at older patients instead of typing notes into a computer, take more time with them and answer their questions..."

Case Western Reserve Medical School recently held its annual panel discussion, "Life Over 90,"  for their 2nd-year-medical students. The 90+-year-old panel members shared experience and advice--equally instructive for anyone whose elderly loved ones go to doctors. And isn't that  true for everyone?

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Sunday, October 18, 2015

Gifting Easily-decorated Halloween Pumpkins with Flowers and Whimsey Lifts Spirits of Aging Parents and Care Center Elders

IMG_46312015 Pumpkins for Elders 

Pumpkins with interesting stems and the potential for whimsey make uplifting October gifts. And once again they've been given to older people this past week, the oldest being 97-year-old J.

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Sunday, October 11, 2015

Help Older Women Look Good: Fashionistas (67-93) and Aging Mothers

NY Fashion Week 2015 Shows Style is Ageless*
Look Better, Feel Better

Women  aged 77 and 90--- runway models? Here Wilma and Phyllis model
 at NY Fashion Week 2015

Past posts (Fashionistas or Frumpy-Dumpies) have addressed women's appearance over the years. Clearly older women can look very good! And why not? Life has changed for women since the olden days and NY recognized this during Fashion Week last month.
Senior Advisor R always looked in order and Senior Advisor D, at 90, still looks stylish--not runway stylish--but in style. How do they do it? It's not the money spent--rather  it's THE FIT and the time, energy, and desire to look good.

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Sunday, October 4, 2015

Aging Parents, Con-Artists, & Scams: Psychological & Monetary Consequences

Preventing Independent, Proud Elders From Feeling Foolish, and Ashamed, and Possibly impoverished
Most of us would quickly get rid of a scam email requesting we send money for a friend whose wallet was lost in London. No one wants to look/feel stupid--specially when intentions are the best. We'd recognize the scam immediately. But there's a more insidious ploy with serious consequences that I was unaware of until I read the just-received November issue of ConsumerReports. 

Scam artists and con (wo)men targeting seniors is not news. 

What is news is reading about the emotional damage to elders-- on top of financial loss. "A Crying Shame-Seniors and their families lose $3 billion a year to con artists. What can we do to stop them?" arrived in our mailbox Thursday. 

These scams/frauds are so carefully conceived and executed that it's easy to understand how aging parents--indeed all elders and possibly some of us kind-hearted souls--could be sucked in. But it's the emotional fall-out--that we're unaware of and is non-fiction reading here--that I find compelling.

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