Sunday, August 30, 2015

Help Aging Parents: Maintaining Mobility into Old, Old Age-The Dangers of Sitting Too Much

                                  Walk More. Sit Less
How limiting is life for those with curtailed mobility?

Look around…so many people with canes and walkers as our population ages. Based on the Tufts U. publication–reprinted below–it seems their numbers would lessen if the elderly couch potatoes we care about (as well as those of us who now spend hours sitting at a desk), make it a point to take breaks for a brief walk. What could be easier?

The importance of older peoples’ walking is nothing new to longtime readers of my blog.  “If you begin a daily walking program at age 45, you could delay immobility to 90 and beyond. If you become a couch potato at 45 and remain so, immobility can encroach as early as 60.” So says Mark Lachs, author of Treat Me, Not My Age.  

                To view entire post, please visit my other site


  1. I totally agree with Mark Lachs, well my grandfather now stays in an independent living Essex County NJ and enjoys all the moments of his life over there. A full range of social programs and recreational activities keeps him active and full of life.

  2. In Old age stage, people used to avoid the things that they loves to do in their springtime’s. You know what? This way they used to sit inside their home all the day and they get caught in depression and stress, thereon. So, don’t be panic and just focus over your health and connect to social groups to get active.
