1. A Little Help From My Friends....
A quick call to my friend, Linda. "Any chance you're free Friday or is that your bridge day?"
"You're sort of right--sometimes it's my bridge day and it will be this Friday. Jackie's mother is almost 90 and loves to play bridge. So I play bridge with Jackie and her mother --not every Friday--but when I'm asked and that's this Friday."
.....Without Overloading Friends
How thoughtful of Jackie...towards her mother as well as towards her friends. Linda doesn't give up time every Friday. No doubt Jackie, the daughter does, but involves different friends in such a way that she doesn't over-impose on their Fridays.
Meanwhile, Jackie's giving her elderly mother something priceless, something special to look forward to--time with her daughter and several other women on Fridays. This not only provides togetherness, socialization, and all the good that accompanies it (fresh ideas, connections) but stimulation for the brain as well.
2. Games