Tuesday, June 29, 2010

AGING PARENTS: Caregivers, Nurturing Nurses and Vision

Following up....
Yes, male aides or caregivers--because of their physical strength, do help aging parents--men especially--to feel more confident and secure, according to one currently hospitalized grandfather in his 70's. His take: the nurturing and gentle nature that female nurses provide in a hospital setting is wonderful--"kind of like a mother" and very much appreciated after serious major surgery in his case. And he never gave a second thought to "privacy" issues when being bathed.

On the other hand, this grandfather was quick to mention the very attractive blonde woman--a "Fellow" who was part of the surgeon's team that visited him each day--as well as the attractive and very able physical therapist.

This reminded me of my father's emergency quintuple bypass surgery in southern California when he was 76. The heart surgeon (who a few years later had among his patients a former president of the United States) had put together a highly experienced team of good looking men and very pretty women. Prior to surgery, patients received a small booklet with photos--explaining each team member's background and hobbies.

My unmarried brother's spirits picked up when he met a very beautiful team member and I remember saying to my brother something like: Dr. X's patients aren't going to die--the men are going to want to see the women team members again and the women are going to want to wake up and see the handsome men.

No doubt it was the surgeon's skill, but the team had to be an asset. It not only helped aging parents to feel better about the situation (Mom and Dad), but it gave us all something to talk about which diverted our minds from a serious situation. And Dad lived to be 94.
* * *
Today I also heard from an 86-year-old woman who said she needed to tell me that the lighted pocket magnifying glass is the best for older people. She has vision problems and uses it daily--many times. As stated in an earlier Mother's Day Gifts post, it truly helps parents age well and at $9.99 how can you go wrong?

As we try to help aging parents, hearing your thoughts and being able to pass them on to others through this blog, helps us reach our goal--to help parent age well. Thank you.

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