Saturday, December 20, 2014

Tailoring the Holidays for Elders' Needs

Some aging parents are lifted by the excitement and activities of Christmas; for others there's overstimulation and stress. And at some point, for all aging parents, there's a slowing down. Do we notice this? Can/should we do something?

Indeed, the holidays can be tricky for some and need to be simplified, especially for those with Alzheimer's.

Then there are aging parents and elders we care about, who can't do what they used to because of aging-related conditions. I ran the preceding sentence by our Sr. Advisor, Dr. Bud, MD, (psychiatrist) asking for his thoughts.

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Thursday, December 18, 2014

Aging Parents: Becoming A Caregiver--Life Changes in the Blink of an Eye

Another Christmas gift idea: A gift we give ourselves or others who are caregivers (and don't already own it)--Passages in Caregiving

As readers know, Help! Aging Parents takes no ads and rarely reviews books. That said, we're always on the lookout for gifts to help parents--and elders we care about--age well. Books that help us as caregivers, translate into helping those we care about and care for.

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Tuesday, December 9, 2014

Aging Parents: Great Gifts on the Inside; Looking Great Outside Too

They say "It's what's inside that counts." No argument here. That said, doesn't anything that looks great on the outside raise our spirits...and those of our elders?

Two gift-giving holidays are fast-approaching. I think of the value of extra nicely wrapped gifts–where the initial fun is seeing them, followed by the joy of discovering what’s inside. 

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