Monday, December 26, 2011

Aging Parents: Lifting the After-Christmas Let-Down

What happens after an event takes place, an event that we’ve been anticipating–hearing about well in advance? We are left with the emotional residue–wonderful or not so wonderful, depending. Regardless of the event, it happens (present tense). Then it’s over. Ended. Done.
5 Suggestions for Understanding and Elevating
the After-Christmas Let-Down
Continued on my other site. Please go to

Saturday, December 24, 2011

Aging Parents Visiting for the Holidays: Pain or Pleasure

Demanding mother, cigar-smoking father, less-than-enthusiastic spouse=Nightmare?

“Holidays are a time for family.” How often we hear this. When immediate family includes children young enough to believe in Santa and delight in the Chanukah celebrations there’s a certain quality that’s infectious. Ideally three generations enjoy a warm and fuzzy togetherness.  But……….?

Time to call upon our senior advisor psychiatrist, Dr. Bud.

Visit my other site: for the rest of this post--Happy Holidays!

Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Help Aging Parents With a Night Drive to See Holiday Lights

In a world of unrest and uncertainty the colors and twinkling of the holiday lights on homes seem–in a way– protective, signaling all is well within. And so I tried–and successfully found–the same streets as last Christmas eve.  And we were rewarded as we drove slowly–block after block. 

My friend’s macular degeneration necessitated her no longer driving–--- 

--to view complete post please visit my other website:

Monday, December 12, 2011

Aging Parents-Set In Their Ways: Can They Change?

Set In Our Ways? Creatures of Habit?
Open to Change? 
I remember, when I was very young, overhearing my dad's concerned conversation about his widowed sister's not being interested in remarrying. As I recall he said something to the effect that if she waited too long, she'd be set in her ways, and then she'd never remarry.
At that age all I knew was Cinderella, pictures of beautiful brides, and Prince Charming. How could she not want to remarry? What was "set in her ways?"
Visit to view the rest of this post.

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Aging Parents and Older People: Moving

Her father had early dementia in his early 90's. At that time she gently discussed whether or not he thought a different living situation would make sense. It was too soon for him, but the idea was planted. A few years later when he could still think clearly some of the time and she could capture the moment, she again broached the question. His response: "I don't want to give up being the boss yet."  That's it, isn't it? Pure and simple.

Please visit, my other site for the rest of this post.

Sunday, December 4, 2011

Stocking Stuffers for Seniors

Six suggestions for inexpensive gifts that help parents age well

1.  A wide-ish rubber band (often found around produce like celery) that can be stretched around something that’s hard-to-unscrew like a little bottle cap or a jar lid of any size.  Unlike the contraptions or rubber disks one can buy, this costs nothing, takes up no room, is easily replaced when worn out or lost and gives the gripping power most older people are losing…or have basically lost.

Visit my other site: to view the rest of this post.