Saturday, February 28, 2015

Aging Parents: Is It Better To Have A Friend Be Your Doctor?

January 20th's NY Times, Science Section's "Hard Cases" column, Too Close to a Patient for Comfort, makes the case, based on AMA guidelines and other sources, that objectivity in medical care may be compromised by doctor-friends. "Medical care supplied by a relative — or an old friend, or a trusted employee — just seems so logical. After all, who could care for you more? But that is just the problem..."

Two thoughts, a dilemma..and 1 good tip at the end.

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Wednesday, February 25, 2015

VA Aid and Attendance Pension to Get New Eligibility Rules

Veterans' Important Aid and Attendance Information
Reblogged from

Help! Aging Parents has presented information for--and about--Veteran's since a June 2010 post. This reblogged post by John Roberts, Esq. offers new and important information, in hopes that as many Vets and their widows as possible have this information in a timely manner, read the proposed regulations, and submit comments in the link provided at the end of the article-- if they feel the need.

To view entire post please go to my other site.

Tuesday, February 24, 2015

Lifting Elder's Spirits--Lessenng Winter's Woes

PFS Garden in Spring ~Click to enlarge
Rid Aging Parents' Winter Woes and Doldrums

Entertaining elders and aging parents in winter can be problematical. Too many storms and chilling temperatures lead to winter doldrums, especially in parts of the US this year.

Understandably many older people hesitate to go out, except for necessities. Cabin fever. Grumpy dispositions. Inertia.

The antidote: Think spring and take elders to a flower show. Leave the cold and the reality of leafless trees and non-blooming plants and enter the sunshiny atmosphere and beauty of spring.

Image: Philadelphia Flower Show ~2013 
           (click to enlarge)

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Saturday, February 14, 2015


What is it that's so endearing about seeing an old couple holding hands, walking arm in arm, smiling at each other in that certain way?

Is it what each one of us hopes for when we hit the old age mark?

My oldest guest, my friend's mother in her 90's shared: "I may be old, but Inside I feel like I did when I was an 18-year-old (pause) with all the same desires too."

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Wednesday, February 11, 2015

Special Small Sweets are Valentine’s Treats for Seniors and Elders

 Three Scrumptious Treats: Middle Eastern, French, American
Mouthwatering Middle Eastern Pastries from Michigan Mouth-watering Middle Eastern Pastries from Michigan
Many older people, seniors and aging parents, appreciate smaller portions and small tasty bites--shunning the big meals and all-you-can-eat excesses of their younger years. Metabolisms change, dietary issues develop but let's face it, a sweet treat now and then lifts spirits. If not on Valentine's Day----when?

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HEART HEALTH AWARENESS MONTH--Women’s Heart Attack Symptoms and Caregiver Stress

Caregivers help 1.6 million heart failure patients at home--did you know that? Many of us have--or have had--elderly family with heart issues, mine included. 

If validation is needed about the importance of heart health and heart risk
 --The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention call February "Heart Month:
--The National Institutes of Health recognize the month, featuring a February 2015  "tool kit" from the American Heart Assn. 
--The American Assn. of Heart Failure Caregivers offers  information especially for caregivers
--This week, February 7-14, is Congenital Heart Defects Awareness Week. --February 6th was National Wear Red Day 

Are we all getting the message? Heart disease is the #1 cause of death for men and women. Yet many women are still not aware, evidently. And since more caregivers are women, there is a special emphasis on women's heart health as demonstrated through the "Wear Red Day" initiative.

Clearly caregiving requires putting others' needs before our own--and we get good at it, don't we! We can easily feel we're indispensable. We also know if we get very sick we're of no help to anyone---but somehow the logic escapes us when we push and overextend ourselves. 

To view entire post, please visit my other site.

Tuesday, February 3, 2015

Entertaining Elders, Seniors and Aging Parents: Super Bowl 2015 Commercials

"Lost Dog"--can anyone resist? Best Ad--Courtesy Budweiser   "Lost Dog"--can anyone resist? Most popular
(Courtesy Budweiser)

What could be better entertainment for aging and elderly parents than watching some of these commercials, if they didn't see the game?

Sunday, February 1, 2015. Super Bowl XLIX....
If spirits need lifting, watching that little puppy plus a few other Super Bowl 2015 ads, could be just what the doctor ordered. 

To view entire post and watch selected commercials that will entertain and engage elders we care about, visit my other site 

Sunday, February 1, 2015

Dreaded Discussions become Conversations

...with 4 simple words

Tough talks. Dreaded discussions. Difficult conversations–often about issues involving two generations’ differing realities. Parents are good drivers.(?) Parents’ homes are still suitable.(?) Parents’ hygiene is fine.(?) The list goes on. To help parents age well, what is the reality?  
Do they need our help? or Do we need their help? 

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