Monday, May 26, 2014

Memorial Day 2014--part 2: Veteran, Omaha Beach--We Learn What's In His Heart

"Can we look into the hearts of old people?"
I asked in yesterday's post.
And last night, courtesy of NBC news, we saw and we heard.

A conversation with WWII veteran, Ed Gordon, now 90, who landed on Omaha Beach--one of the 150,000 Allied troops who took part in the Normandy Invasion on D Day--and "NBC colleague," Viet Nam veteran and Medal of Honor recipient, Col. Jack Jacobs--gives us an intimate "look."

I've isolated the link below for easy forwarding.

Sunday, May 25, 2014

Aging Parents and Memorial Day 2014

Can we look into the hearts of old people?

Things change. Values change--both at a rapid rate. It's part of today's world and we deal with it. Sometimes it's easy to overlook the impact on our elders as we continue with our busy lives. A one-minute video, with no spoken words, looks into the heart of a WWII veteran.

In the old days the name, Memorial Day, and date, May 30th, were carved in stone-- or so I thought when I was a girl. I didn't know that before WWII Memorial Day had been called "Decoration Day," although I remember hearing that name. The 1968 Uniform Monday Holiday Act changed "carved-in-stone" dates to days that would allow for a 3-day holiday weekend and took effect in 1971.

We're accustomed to the 3-day weekends. We take the opportunity to get away for a short vacation. Some think Memorial Day is the start of summer. We have family picnics. There are fewer parades. In our hearts and minds we respect the holiday, see the flags flying, know "Fleet Week" has arrived in New York. But, unless we have family in the military, I doubt we can tap into what Memorial Day means to those who have served--especially those who served over a half century ago, still possessing the memories (told and untold) and the pride.

While that which old people hold dear is disappearing faster and faster, it remains in their hearts.

To view entire post please go to my other site

Friday, May 23, 2014

Aging Parents: "In Patient" vs "Under Observation" --- How Being in a Hospital Bed can Fool You

Does being in a hospital bed
qualify Medicare-eligible seniors as In-Patient?
For some time now, we've been hearing about Medicare-eligible seniors who've been given "Under Observation" status when admitted to hospitals--for what any intelligent person would assume should be "In-Patient" status. "Under Observation" status is not "In-Patient."

If parents need to enter a skilled nursing facility or a nursing home after the required three days of hospitalization, Medicare will not pay and the family will be required to pay all of the bills, including the hospital costs, if hospital status was "Under Observation."

We might also assume that those in a bed in a hospital are automatically considered "In-Patients." Not true.

To read entire post please go to my other site

Tuesday, May 13, 2014

Slowed-down Aging Parents--What I never realized
"I'm late, I'm late........"*

(Joints stiffen. Less agility. More wisdom. More Caution.
Does slowing down begin earlier than we realize?)

Think about stiff joints and arthritis...and vision. Then think about buttons, zippers, or--for women--the clasp on a necklace or fastening a bra (which some do from the front before turning it around to the back), or the physical act of slipping something over one's head.  How much additional time does it take to differentiate dark blue from black? (Try sorting those socks.) Have you ever seen an older man wearing one black sock and one dark blue sock?

To view entire post, please go to my other site


Sunday, May 11, 2014

                                                 "What's the Goal?"

I've written about how important it is to ask ourselves this question in several past posts. It's true for caregiving. It's true for handling problems in life. And I'm taking my own advice. Thankfully it has become second nature when things seem impossible and/or overwhelming.  Asking "What's the Goal?" untangles some of the minutiae, helps focus, and makes the goal stand out. We then need only figure out how to attain it.

To view entire post please go to my other site