Letting Go–Preparing The Last Income Tax at 100
This is the last time Sr. Advisor R is doing her income tax preparation for the accountants. Yes, she’s 100. Yes, she still lives independently, alone in her home of over 60 years. Yes, she has a blood clot that has greatly diminished vision in one eye. Yes, she uses not 1, but 2 magnifying glasses when the normal print is too small. And yes, all of this is pretty amazing, but it has been extremely arduous and overly time-consuming this winter and has been a source of stress.
That said, R has worked at simplifying everything in her life as age has slowed her down. Giving up income tax preparation (still using legal pad and adding machine), is a big concession. As Julia, another independent elder referred to in past posts, said many years ago “No one likes to see a lessening of themself.”