Saturday, May 28, 2011

Help Aging Parents: Computers for Seniors

Special computers for seniors? We know computers are a way of life for younger generations, but not for aging parents. That's why my posts the last two weeks have focused on capable aging parents using a computer. But we can't assume that computers not especially designed for seniors are suitable for aging parents and grandparents. One size never fits all. So today--

6 computer options for seniors

While I'm not in a position to rate them, I've added hopefully helpful comments. Needless to say researching for the specifics that best match for your aging parents' or grandparents' capabilities and needs makes sense. While clearly not all-inclusive, here are 6 options worth looking at:

A-Plus Senior Computer:    Be certain to click "Questions."

Big Screen Live: "Software to turn a pc into an easy-to-use senior computer." For details watch YouTube video:

Eldy: Begun in Europe, the free Eldy download for Windows, Linus, and Mac makes one's current computer senior-friendly. According to the 12/29/10 post's sidebar, training is going on in the US. Check it out!

GO Computer:, click "FAQ's." The GO is sold through  firstStreet--a major catalog retailer for "boomers and beyond."

Rick's 2009 post,, finds fault with GO's price and is instructive if you have patience to read the subsequent comments, about Eldy (then only available in Europe) and--for computer-savvy children-- about purchasing an inexpensive computer with a large screen then installing and customizing Ubuntu for senior parents.

I note firstStreet also sells the WOW! computer:'s for seniors and has a touch screen.

Pzee computer: Click "Why Pzee" at screen bottom.

Father's Day is a few weeks away. In our efforts to help aging parents, a senior-friendly computer could be a welcome gift--for older fathers and grandfathers as well.

Visit my other site:  Same blog, more information (see tabs).

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